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Student Discount/Exemption

Explanatory Information
  • Council Tax and Water Service charges on a property may be reduced where one or more adult residents are participating in full-time education.
  • When counting the adult residents in a property, students may be excluded. When after excluding students there is only one person resident in the property, the Council Tax may be reduced by 25%. Where all the residents in the property are students, the property may be exempt from Council Tax and water service charges.
  • The definition of a student:-
    • A person taking a specified course of education at a United Kingdom university or further education establishment which lasts for at least 24 weeks within each academic year and where the period of study consists of, on average, 21 hours per week.
    • A person under 20 taking a specified course of education at an educational establishment where the period of study exceeds on average, 12 hours per week and the course taken is not as a consequence of an office or employment held, or arranged under any of the youth training schemes.
    • A person registered with the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges and working as a foreign language assistant at a school or other educational institution in Great Britain.